And we got this.....
G M...
The weather is always good in Las Vegas; sometimes it just a little warmer than others :-) We have some ramp re-working to do and it will probably be underway
in May when you are planning to be here. If you will give me a contact name and number, I will call you in a couple of weeks, when I hopefully know a little
more information than I do today, and we'll do our best to work things out so we can accommodate your fly-in on the dates you want.
10/19/02 11:41:19 AM >>>
thanks Diana... for the reply.. I think I made a mistake in the groups web address though... it should be .org instead of .com.. smile... thanks again I posted the
notice on the web and it is being considered as to the date ... it look like May is a good time... how is the weather over their then?... and is their any large group
or events planed during may... thanks again for all.. G.M>
Hmmmmmm.... I think we have a new friend for our meeting... smile.. thanks Diana for the info... G.M>GMAs