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Unread 10-25-02, 12:06 AM
SkyKing SkyKing is offline
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Location: Pacific NW - USA
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SkyKing is on a distinguished road
Thumbs down Downwind with the gear up? Naughty-Naughty!

BTW, in order to preserve your engines, make more practicable use of the airspace at your airport, and confirm correct operation per the checklist, it's NOT a good idea to wait until you're almost on the gound, i.e., when you're "downwind"... to lower the gear --this should always be done BEFORE entering the traffic pattern. By doing so you have time to confirm via checklist that everything is as it should be, enter the pattern and sequence yourself with other traffic, and the plane slowed up and RPM's "UP" instead of down in the bottom groveling along.

As the TCM Engine Manual for the TSIO-360 engine cautions: "DO NOT PERMIT CYINDER TEMPERATURE TO DROP BELOW 240 DEGREES F." Also, the manual urges that long descents at low maniold pressure be avoided as the engines can cool excessively and may not accelerate satisfactorily when power might be needed. So it's always best to keep the RPM's spooled UP and the MP spooled up, lower the gear well before entering the pattern to be safe, and drop some flaps out. To do otherwise is asking for trouble

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