Thread: P337
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Unread 11-21-20, 11:59 AM
S019 S019 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2020
Location: Baton Rouge, LA
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S019 is on a distinguished road
Same story plays out again

So, I had emailed the broker to ask about the plane. No response still after a week and a half. Clearly he has no interest in making any deals or properly representing the seller. That plane has pretty much been inactive and likely to take a bit of work which makes it even more important to answer inquiries to interest in my opinion. And looks like it is just going to sit longer. Can't say I'm surprised by this action though. It's sad to know that plane is likely to continue to rot away because of the lack of motivation of the broker.

Originally Posted by flyag1 View Post
I tried but could not work with the dealer: then I contacted the owner and he referred me back to the dealer.

You would not believe the text message I have on my phone from that dealer himself.... it's shocking to say the least. I also talked to a couple of locals that know the dealer and they said stay away... Now these are A&P's and IA's that work in the Area.

Sadly this airplane is less then a 2 hour drive from my front door... go figure.
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