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Unread 02-10-21, 01:43 PM
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mshac mshac is offline
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Here is the actual wording from their website: "The current AV-30-C AML applies to Part 23 single-engine aircraft operating under 200kts."

I thought the limitation meant TAS, not IAS. But that does make sense. The actual wording does not mention TAS or IAS, but if you default to the conservative definition, it means TAS.

Evidence to support my interpretation is this: Look at the AML for Bonazas (Under Textron) - only the NA models are approved, there are no TC models listed on the AML!

Also, if I understand correctly, there is no way to have a blue line on the airspeed indicator under the current software?

Last edited by mshac : 02-10-21 at 01:59 PM.
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