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Unread 04-30-21, 10:03 AM
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Jhogan0101 Jhogan0101 is offline
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I emailed Mcfarlane about this , here is their response from this morning:

Hi Julian
We are going as fast as we can on fuel valves.
In fact we were talking about the 337 valves just yesterday.
I know they’ve done some work on those but I’m not sure just where they are in the process.
I did forward your e-mail to the owner of the company,(he has a 337) and the others who decide what gets priority in the way of projects.
Additionally I will make a push for it.

As you know, fuel valves are critical in function and even though they appear simple; are complex in determining fits, dimensions and tolerances. That in part is some of the reason it takes a fair bit of time to design parts for fuel valves.
Thanks for checking with us, hopefully it won’t be too much longer.

Fred McClenahan
Senior Engineer
Responsible Safety Officer
Philadelphia PA
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