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Unread 11-08-21, 11:56 PM
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TomM TomM is online now
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Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Iowa
Posts: 126
TomM is on a distinguished road
follow up

Thanks for the comments! To follow up with some of you:

1. Mine is normally aspirated so no turbo oil line

2. Yes, the prop fully feathered. The plane almost leaped forward as soon as the prop feathered.....the drag was VERY noticeable. I can see why you gotta get them feathered ASAP on an engine loss on take off.

3. Mechanics are slim pickens around here no others at this airport and no way to get it to another airport.....and the places I am familiar with at those airports are backed up as well. My best shot would be a "mobile mechanic" and I havent heard of any around here, but it is something to look into. However, with the holidays and winter coming (lots of snow up here typically) it doesn't bother me too much. I have access to a 172 so I will still be able to get in the air. I like living in the rural part of the country, but it does have its drawbacks.

4. Based on the amount of oil lost in short order, it would seem to be on the pressurized system unless there is a gaping hole in the case, which I doubt - the engine was running normally otherwise. All of the oil is on the passenger side, and I am thinking oil cooler. I have Air Wolf remote oil filters front and back, so nothing related to the F and M oil filter adapter - and besides, that unit would be located on the other side of the engine where there is only residual oil from the other side.

5. Engine instruments are part of my scan. Its never more than a few min between flying and looking at the engine instruments and fuel levels. My pressures and temps are rock solid and the pretty much the same all the time. So it is very noticeable to me when something is off.

We have snow forecast for Friday, so he will not be busy fueling planes this weekend and I offered to help him out with both my plane and his backlog. He took me up on that so hopefully will be starting with him this weekend. I would at least like to get it degreased and get the side and top cowls off and really take a closer look and see if we can see anything obvious and go from there.

I will keep the group updated as things progress.
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