I did put those switch panels (
http://www.electroair.net/switchPanel.html) in when I upgraded to the ElectroAirs. I did it mostly because I liked the look and I never liked the fact that the starter was part of the same key switch as the magnetos, but you are correct that it mitigates that mag check issue: the issue is that the ElectroAirs have a slight delay from powered-on to generating-sparks, so in the key switch case, you end up not having a spark at all for a brief half second (magneto off, EA on but not yet generating spark, then EA on generating spark). With the switches, I can turn the ElectroAir on, wait the half second, then turn the magneto off and voila, I never have that "there is no spark happening" half second. But mostly I like the look of the switches on my panel
- Bjorn