Thanks GA.
To be sure, the 55x is certified for our planes. The reason for my concern is that I can't find an installer that estimates under 35k for the most basic of installations. On the east coast it seems I can't find anyone to tell me what color my airplane is for less than $130 plus time and materials. Even if I could it's worrisome when Genesys says they can't fill orders for the 55x right now at any price. At face value that's a problem for a little while anyway, and a monopoly is also an undesirable state of affairs if I read into all of this. We may be a niche market, but we're not flying B314s either (10 pt bonus if you can spot one without googling).
Or maybe we are numbering that few, but I guess I'm saying let's not go quiet into that dark night. Not just yet. Rather, keep lobbying Garmin and Genesys for more options.
Now about that contact you have...