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Unread 10-27-03, 02:26 AM
SkyKing SkyKing is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Pacific NW - USA
Posts: 413
SkyKing is on a distinguished road
Wink You're Okay!

Hey Larry,

Sorry for the 'mistaken' identity! Ya know, I have a close, very close association with 'Special Forces'... as I was the National Press Secretary for Col. James 'Bo' Gritz, when he ran for President of the United States of America in 1992. The slogan was, "Gritz for Rights"... Gritz, of course, rhymes with 'Rights' and it was 'Bo', whom you might remember, was the model for the Rambo movie series that starred what's his face.

Anyway, another thought that occurs here is that I spent 25-years in radio broadcast, 'Playin' the Hits', doing my last stint in Seattle at KBSG, 97.3 FM, doing morning drive-time back in 1989 with the 'Oldies'... SO, you're in good company -- OLD!

While I'm not an 'attorney', which means to 'turn and twist', I am a self-learned 'lawyer', much like Thomas Jefferson and other of our founding Fathers and take particular attention to Constitutional matters these days... which of course, the current Administration is completely BASHING. Oh, that's another topic... sorry.

Saw your website and enjoyed the music background... we fly a '77 P-model, which is down right now while we complete installation of an Argus 7000 in the two radio indicator holes to the left of the stack, and an Argus 5000 over on the co-pilot side, together with an RMI adapter for the 7000. Sometime back we posted a preliminary discussion on this and will do the 'finished' pixs as soon as we can get things completed.

Finally, yes, we believe that this website lost its most important member, GMAs, and I truly hope that, pissing matches aside, he will re-adorn this site when time heals everyone up. Like family, we ALL argue now and again... it being VERY healthy to clear the air.


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