OK, so I'm a lightweight, I hadn't even considered IFR into OSH. Does that eliminate the land short/long instruction <grin>?
Every few years the temps at OSH are heatstroke-worthy. There's nothing like a good air conditioner & shower in the hotel room at night.
I do agree that driving-in gets old. A few times I stayed in Green Bay (one hour each way), At least Appleton is only about 30 minutes. I really should get a hotel in OSH - but it seems like they're all sold out a year in advance.
You know, the hardest part of driving in each day is trying to find your rental car in the sea of parked cars. I never realized how many green Taurus's there were. Of course, GPS receivers as so small these days, we just record a waypoint …
Let's connect someplace on Tuesday - maybe a meeting place, or maybe swap cell phone numbers?
Last edited by Kevin McDole : 06-27-02 at 01:43 PM.