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Unread 02-09-05, 03:19 AM
Kevin McDonnell Kevin McDonnell is offline
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Location: Livermore, CA (LVK)
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I think the reason the stats don't show the Skymaster as being safer than other planes in because losing an engine, is not what kills most pilots. And in particular, most twins fly just fine when they lose an engine - assuming they don't lose that engine at the most critical time - taking off. Despite the impression our training gives us, the number of aircraft done in by VMC rolls is pretty small.

The top two accident causes are fuel exhaustion and continued VFR flight into IMC. If you're the type of pilot who isn't going to tempt fate in those areas, then you'll naturally move your focus down to the accident causes you fear the most.

For me, while statistically unlikely, mid-airs, engine loss over the mountains and VMC rolls scare the hell out of me. A Skymaster calms two of those fears, and I have a SkyWatch and TIS to address the third.

Since you've just experienced the "thrill" of losing an engine, clearly you are not going to feel safe until you have a pair of engines to count on. If you need a high single engine service ceiling (like over the mountains), nothing touches a turbocharged Skymaster (which includes the pressurized model as well).

If you don't want to have your engine-out VMC emergency skills tested when your life depends on it, a Skymaster is good solution.
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