Thread: SID Wings
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Unread 05-29-11, 11:35 AM
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Ernie Martin Ernie Martin is offline
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The O2 aircraft built specifically for the U.S. military MAY be excempted, but I don't know. The 337s, whether built in the U.S. or France, and regardless of who used it, are subject to the SIDs if the aviation authority of the country requires it. So a 337 with Australian registration and flying in Australia will have to comply, because it's my understanding that Australia requires it. I think the same is true in France and most other European coutries, but you would have to inquire.

Regarding the actual draft SIDs, Cessna did not release them publicly, to the best of my knowledge. You may write to Larry Bowdish at to see if he can furnish them to you. Material over a year old that I prepared for SOAPA is available online but the information may be outdated.

The first data is an analysis of FAA Service Difficulty Reports (SDRs), which Cessna indicated was the basis for the SIDs. In essence, if 35 years of reporting had shown problems in one area, then that area was investigated and likely became the subject of a SID. We concluded differently, finding that Cessna had written SIDs for areas where there had never been problems or where the problems had clearly nothing to do with aging and were either manufacturing defects or user overstress. That first data may be found by going to and clicking on the first horizontal gold line on the 2011 Index at the left of the page.

Abbreviated excerpts of the SIDs, with manpower estimates and our engineering opinion on their validity, may be found by going to the same page and clicking on the second horizontal gold line on the 2011 Index at the left of the page.

Read carefully the caveats because much may have changed. Think of this as just giving you a flavor of what was being considered a year and a half ago.

Ernie Martin
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