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Unread 10-29-03, 07:28 AM
Rickskymaster Rickskymaster is offline
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Gaithersberg, Maryland
Posts: 117
Rickskymaster is an unknown quantity at this point
Annual meeting location

The first thing I feel we need to do is be set on the dates as soon as possible. By setting the dates, regardless of the location, guys can at least start to work on seeing how the dates work with their calendar.

I also think that the dates should be the same every year. Just like all of the other organizations set their events, we set our dates and everyone knows accordingly how to plan.

The second thing is that once we have dates we can start advertising it to current and potential members to this board.

The third and biggest is to charge some portion of the cost at time of sign up. As a individual who did sign up and who did not attend last year, I would feel this is no different than guaranteeing your hotel reservation when you travel.

Last, I want to put my two cents in for a location in the mid-west.
As much as I would prefer East Coast, it just does not seem fair based off of the last two years.

I will not go to the west coast, it is just to far, as I am sure alot of the West Coast guys feel the same about coming out here.

Just as a thought AOPA rotates East and West on a bi-yearly basis.

In closing, we need dates asap and can someone make a decision as to location.

One of things I like best about the board is the freedom to speak your mind, the thing I like least is the time it takes to do so.