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Unread 09-23-08, 09:52 AM
atsiii atsiii is offline
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Thanks, Pete! Yes, the gear down light is on. The gear did swing fine during the annual, multiple times. The a/c was then towed back to my hangar, sat for a couple of weeks until I had time to put it back together, and then, after replacing the inspection covers, the carpet and seats and getting ready for the post annual shake down flight, I pumped the doors open for inspection and they would not close.

I'll pass on your suggestions to my IA. Question: Is the door solenoid valve attached to and located on the back of the hydraulic pack above the pilot knees?

If so, I can't see how to get in there and check voltages or to look for a broken wire. If stuck, I read that I should hold a steel ruler next to the solenoid to check for a magnetic field, but I could not see how to get in there and do that, either. There are three wires to a micro-switch on the front of the pack, but I can't find the wiring diagram in my service manual to see what these wires should be, nor track them to the back of the pack.

Since the gear was swung during annual, I thought maybe I had done something while putting the carpet back in. But if the door solenoid is up by the hydraulic pack, I didn't replace anything in that area. FYI: after the a/c sits overnight, the emergency hand pump pressure drains off, but then with the master on or off, and the gear handle down or down-neutral, it only takes a partial pump or two for the handle to be firm with pressure again.

Thanks again! Let me know if you think of anything else to check. Question: do you think if the valve is just stuck, that I should fire up an engine and try cycling the the gear handle between down and down neutral?

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