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Unread 08-21-02, 02:57 AM
SkyKing SkyKing is offline
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Location: Pacific NW - USA
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SkyKing is on a distinguished road
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Yes Bob...

I did read the Pelican Perch article on "Fried Valves"... twas a VERY good read. Thanks for the heads-up! I saved it to CD Rom for later re-reading. Good stuff.

No argument here... 25-hours on the oil is the way! Especially considering the former owner only flew the plane about a half- hour each month and the oil didn't get changed except at annual. And there were a couple of times it sat out-of-annual for two year runs, so that wasn't good either... at least he kept it hangared and in a dry-climate area during the non-use.

I'm sure the bird never experienced my 75% power climbs up into the teens, nor cyl-head temps approaching 380F, and this routine has obviously "unsludged' things.

And DON... NO!, I wouldn't do an overhaul as long as compressions and power are good to go. You've probably got a similar situation to mine... too much setting and sludging. So, change those filters and oil, run it lean and most importantly, make sure you heat the engine up, burn the moisture off the oil and get the gunk out. EXERCISE...EXERCISE...EXERCISE!!!

Mike Swanson is supposed to be up my way in the next couple of weeks and he tells me he's bringing the wastergate-controller "cleaner-outer" purging kit with him, so we'll make a parts list and share with the rest of you turbo operators.

As I'm writing this, just heard a radio commercial that Shell is coming back (the deal is, Shell/Equilon are taking over all the old Texaco outlets as part of the settlement thingee with the merger of Chevron/Texaco... Gee, I hope they bring us some "BRANDED" Shell AvGas too... Maybe we can get the price down below Two Bucks.

BTW Bob, I think I'll try a can of AvBlend and see what gives...

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