Thread: 2012 Fly In
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Unread 08-15-12, 02:36 PM
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Originally Posted by mpscrip View Post
I will not be able to attend the fly-in but would like to drop in if I can. I am in the process of selling a C172 SP in the hopes of moving up to a skymaster. As you can imagine I get a fair amount of skeptical looks from other pilots (and my wife) when I talk of wanting a skymaster. This is compounded by the fact that I have never actually been in a skymaster much less flown in one. I have been following your website for many years trying to educate myself with regard to skymaster operation and ownership. As I am in northern NJ and a short hop from Groton I was hoping that I might be able to drop in to at least see a few skymasters up-close and talk with some owners. I do not want to be pest but was hoping that someone would be kind enough give me a few minutes of their time to let me see their aricraft (sit-in) and pick their brain a little.
We had a guy like that in Abacos. I took him for a ride. He liked it. I won't be there, but I'll bet you can find someone who'll give you a ride.
Bring the wife, let her talk to some of the owners about 2 engines, 2 vacuum pumps, 2 alternators. The redundancy that is there. Maybe someone will give you both a ride.
Also, they are a little bit faster than a 172P.
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