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Unread 05-28-21, 12:34 PM
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Originally Posted by rrolland View Post

Looking through the paperwork that I have from 78C, it appears that there is a way to actually certify the RR TSIO 360's for use on US registered aircraft.

On 9-18-1989, Continental issued a Service Bulletin (M89-20) titled Conversion of Rolls Royce Engines. The SB describes how the RR nameplates can be replaced by Continental nameplates.

While the Bulletin was rescinded on 12-15-1989 due to FAA objections outlined in a letter signed by the Manager of the Engine Directorate New England Region, the issue was brought to the attention of FAA national shortly thereafter. On July 6 1990, the FAA (AIR-1 Director of Aircraft Certification) issued an Action Notice (A8110.21) titled Acceptance Procedures for Rolls Royce/Continental Model TSIO 360 Series Engines.

The AN explains how the engines can be approved on an engine by engine basis: provide the initial UK CAA Approved Certification/Dispatch Instruction" which was issued with each new engine and then have the engine inspected by an IA or a Repair Station which can then sign the installation off.

Overall, there were 40 RR engines imported into the US.

So the AN provides a path of a RR engine to be approved in the US. That still leaves Canada.

The US and Transport Canada have reciprocal certification agreements in place and a particular engine approved by the US FAA should be allowed by Transport Canada on the basis of reciprocity.

Hopefully this is helpful. I am happy to provide copies of that documentation if interested.

Thanks for the post. It is my understanding that if approved by FAA, then yes Transport Canada would also approve. It seems getting official FAA approval has been part of the challenge. Perhaps these documents would help. If you could please forward them to me that would be great. If you send me a private message I'd be happy to supply my email.
However, this avenue may have already been tried by people working on my behalf. There have been nuances in the logistics/paperwork that have killed every possible lead so far.

1973 T337G
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