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Unread 03-06-05, 07:44 PM
KyleTownsend KyleTownsend is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: TN
Posts: 135
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I know it's not ideal, but I indicated in the instructions that you should only VOTE based on your MOST RECENT overhaul. This would eliminate any bias resulting from people tending to report only their highest, or lowest, time engine and still make the poll valid.

I was going to use the optional part of the poll (the message) to perform a more complete spreadsheet analysis after the poll closes.

Earnie. Thanks for your remarks. I see what you are getting at. My original idea was for people to report overhaul for ANY reason. You've got to figure that the vast majority of people are going to have some rational reason. If it is regulatory, or due to an accessory flying apart and damaging the engine, you've still got to overhaul the engine. So it would be good to know. Hopefully, people would supply enough information in their message attachment so that you could do an analysis on a subset of the data (ie: only engines that experienced mechanical failure).

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