Is It A Thrust Warning Lights On A C336 Required?
I need some simple help from a C336 owner via providing me with a copy of the original document that was provided by Cessna when the new aircraft was first sold to a new owner. That document contains the Minimum Equipment List (MEL) and the weight and balance graphs and other essential information. I owned my C336 for over 13 years, and the THRUST WARNING LIGHTS THAT ARE ON TOP OF THE THROTTLES, never worked. Now on this annual inspection, a new IA (Airwordiness Inspector) is requiring that this system be working properly to sign the Annual Inspection. If in fact this instrument is not a part or required on the MEL, I belief that I can legally remove it and get the Annual Inspection done. Any help on this subject will be very much appreciated. My cell phone is 1-480-433-8346, in Brooksville, Florida. I am also an FAA A&P Mechanic. Thanks a million. Alfonso.