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WebMaster 01-17-09 07:40 PM

Soapa 2009 Branson Mo
Plan on joining us for SOAPA 2009, in Branson, MO. The dates are May 6-8. The airshow will take place that weekend, actually starting May 8, continuing through May 10. The official airport dedication will take place May 11, 2009

More details will be posted here, as they become available.

hharney 01-18-09 08:06 PM

The airport in Branson that will be used for the fly-in is PLK

The new airport that is not open yet is BBG. This is the location of the airshow on May 8 - 10. This new airport will not open until Monday, May 11 after the airshow. This is the first privately funded commercial airport in the United States.

Plan now to attend the SOAPA meeting in Branson, MO. on May 6, 7 & 8, 2009

rmorris 01-24-09 11:00 AM

airshow airport?

Originally Posted by hharney (Post 13410)
The airport in Branson that will be used for the fly-in is PLK

The new airport that is not open yet is BBG. This is the location of the airshow on May 8 - 10. This new airport will not open until Monday, May 11 after the airshow. This is the first privately funded commercial airport in the United States.

Plan now to attend the SOAPA meeting in Branson, MO. on May 6, 7 & 8, 2009

Did anyone check with the airshow airport folsk and see if they would just let us all land there instead? Seems it would add a bit of flavor to their show to have a bunch of Skymasters fly in for the show...they might even extend show courtesy type items to our pilots. Just a thought.

hharney 01-25-09 08:49 PM

Already checked with the airport but not with powers to be. I suppose one could run the idea higher up the flagpole. I think they have their airshow schedule in place. I really don't think a bunch of GA pilots in Skymasters is a real show stopper for them. Would be if I was running things but for this show probably not. But never say never, if someone wants to make a stab at it, go for it! Maybe Skymasters are more unique than some of us think.

O. Lynn Justice 01-31-09 11:21 AM

I have been looking at the calendar and I think I can make it to the meeting in Branson. As soon as you know any details let me know.

Lynn Justice

hharney 03-09-09 03:56 PM

Registration Is Open!!!!!!
The registration form is posted on the Skymaster Web Site.

Please review the sign up page and join us for the 2009 SOAPA meeting in Branson, MO

River Cruise

Hotel Info

The Fly-in airport is PLK, Point Lookout, is just a few minutes away from the hotel. The Airshow on Sat and Sun is at the new airport, BBG, which will not be open for landing until after the airshow.

macaman 03-31-09 12:32 PM

Web Links re: Branson Airport and Air Show
The new Branson Airport website (KBBG) is:

and the link for the air show is:

Great information on both sites.

KPLK is actually closer to Branson but I haven't heard what the plan is for it when Branson opens up. I imagine it is far enough away from KBBG that it would be enticing for smaller GA aircraft to continue landing there.

hharney 04-01-09 04:43 PM

Muscle Cars in Branson
On Friday and Saturday during the SOAPA Event there will be a gathering of MOPARS. Heavy on the Classic Muscle Cars of the 60's and 70's. Just another great event to take in while at the SOAPA 2009 Branson Fly in. Come on folks send in your registration! Ya know ya want to go!

Love those Chargers and Super Bee's

hharney 04-05-09 11:43 AM

Cut Off Date for Rooms in Branson
Monday, April 6, is the Cut off date for all rooms in Branson for the 2009 SOAPA fly-in meeting. They still have plenty of rooms available right now but as of Monday all rooms will be released. Please, if you plan to attend make your room reservation right now to secure a room and then if something comes up you can always cancel the room. This is the only way to be sure you will have a room for the SOAPA meeting. As the time comes closer for all the events in Branson the weekend of May 8 (SOAPA starts May 6) rooms are going to fill very quickly.

We are only one month away from the meeting so act now and join us for a great time in Branson, MO.

For more information and registration form click on the link below

hharney 04-08-09 06:40 PM

Rooms still available
I just checked with the hotel in Branson and as of today there are still rooms available but they are NOT holding any rooms for SOAPA. If you haven't booked your room yet call now to secure a room.

417-334-6464 or 1-800-828-0404

All the room rates are still the same as listed on the home page link.

hharney 04-12-09 09:04 PM

Discount Tickets for Shows in Branson
Here is a link to a website that has discounted tickets for shows in Branson. Not all shows are listed so check other Branson websites for a specific show you might be looking for. Friday night might be a good night to reserve tickets for a show.

hharney 04-15-09 10:29 PM

Rooms still available
As of today there are still rooms available at the hotel in Branson. See the home page for details on the SOAPA fly-in

hharney 04-28-09 10:57 PM

There are still 9 rooms left at the Best Western in Branson. This is the location of the 2009 SOAPA Event. Come join us, sign up now. We have a number of aircraft coming in and will be at the same airport as the US Pilots Association and the Missouri Pilots Association. They are all really excited about seeing the Skymasters arrive.

These rooms won't last long with all the events that weekend.

edasmus 05-01-09 08:58 PM

Hi Herb,

A question for you about the fly-in in Branson. I would love to attend however my work schedule is highly variable so commitment is quite challenging for me sadly. At the moment it looks as though I will have off on Thursday 5/7/09. My question is; IF the hotel still has a room available and IF they were willing to allow flexibility in terms of last minute cancel (neither of which I have verified yet), would it cause you or the SOAPA any hardship if I were to plan to attend Thursday however with at least a 50/50 chance of cancelling at the last moment if work schedule changes? If this were to not cause any problem as far as you are concerned, I would look into it. If it does cause potential complications for you or the group, I would not bother even attemting.


Ed Asmus

hharney 05-04-09 08:55 PM

That's just fine
Come on down, we will prorate the fee. Just check with the hotel to be sure you have a room.

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